Pecha Kucha 20x20 Indonesia: The Power of Play
"Whether you want to make a difference in the world, be filthy rich, raise your children to be incredible human beings, live life to the fullest, or all of the above... Play is your answer, but maybe not how you might think. Play is a primal and biological process, as important as getting enough sleep or exercising. Without play, life becomes mechanical, your mood darkens, you become less productive, less alert, less connected, less healthy, less happy."
In Bali, Indonesia, where the people's smiling eyes and openness to the unexpected exemplify the qualities of Play, the audience embraced the message through this new perspective. Kate invited the eager crowd to see Play as a state of being as opposed to something you do, and that this state of being requires intentional action. Incorporating playfulness into our physical and mental realms will impact every area of life, from family and health to relationships and corporate culture, on both micro and macro scales..